“Top of the world or bottom of the ocean – F the middle.”
Problem was… I was moving towards becoming that massive failure. And with each new sunrise, it was becoming clearer and clearer.
Yet my goal for life didn’t change: I viewed life as one big joke. As I laughed at the odds with the goal of living so incredibly well that death would tremble to take me.
Or at least, I tried. Some days, it grew too hard. And I would break down late at night with crippling thoughts of…
"Maybe I’m delusional. And I’d be better off throwing dirt over my dreams and living an ordinary life." But every time I had these thoughts, I would quickly snap out of it… and realize a ‘mediocre’ life wasn’t the life for me. My highest values had always been ambition, laughter and adventure. And the one goal I’d always had was to live a full life. I just wanted to leave the world thinking…
"I did it. I lived a grandiose adventure."